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Showing posts from May, 2016

Our Summer Bucket List

Even though this weekend went from bare legs outside on Saturday to an extra couple of layers this morning, I am completely dreaming of summertime. We got a few new pieces of furniture pieces for the back porch and took the entire grill and lounge set up for a test drive this weekend and I want MORE. The other night I thought it would be fun to go around the dinner table and let everyone choose a couple of items for our summer bucket list since I am usually the one who makes/hijacks all the planning fun. Here is what we came up with: Maddie chose the roller coaster park (Six Flags, which my uncle awesomely got us season passes to so this will be happening quite a few times) and water slides (also something that Six Flags has, so two birds - one stone!). Matt wants beach, beach and more beach which will be fulfilled by a week in Maine with my AIL at The Cottages near Wells and hopefully many weekend trips to our local favorite beaches. Mama chose a weekend in Mystic, CT to g...

April, May, Here We Are!

You guys. A LOT has happened since we last spoke. Some good, some great, some awful, but we made it. Seems pretty obvious to still be standing but there have been a few times in the past three weeks where I had to just pat myself on the back for the lack of laying down and giving up. It has been insanity , but cheers to the sunshine outside and the summer vacation request on my desk and all that exciting stuff to come. However, let's give it up for the last few weeks, shall we? I ran the marathon. Excuse me, the Marathon . As in Boston. And it was a PR and I raised over $7,500 for Boston Cares. It was amazing and fun and inspiring and I am still thinking about what a blur it was after all those months of training. I am beyond honored to have done it and so proud of all my friends and strangers who chased the unicorn that day. Then, my Mom was here, so we got to hang out with her, which is always awesome, especially for those girls of mine who think that Gramma is just the cat...