You guys. A LOT has happened since we last spoke. Some good, some great, some awful, but we made it. Seems pretty obvious to still be standing but there have been a few times in the past three weeks where I had to just pat myself on the back for the lack of laying down and giving up.
It has been
insanity, but cheers to the sunshine outside and the summer vacation request on my desk and all that exciting stuff to come. However, let's give it up for the last few weeks, shall we?
I ran the marathon. Excuse me, the
Marathon. As in Boston. And it was a PR and I raised over $7,500 for Boston Cares. It was amazing and fun and inspiring and I am still thinking about what a blur it was after all those months of training. I am beyond honored to have done it and so proud of all my friends and strangers who chased the unicorn that day.
Then, my Mom was here, so we got to hang out with her, which is always awesome, especially for those girls of mine who think that Gramma is just the cat's pajamas (they're right, she is). We ate, we shopped, we touristed and she was gone much too fast, as always.
We didn't even get much time to be sad because the day she left the four of us got on a plane and headed to DC for a little touristing before I had a work conference for a few days in Maryland. Matt and I played a very skilled game of parenting and tried to switch off and tire out and not cry and I must say we did a pretty great job, mostly because that man is Superdad. It was Annabel's first vacation after transitioning out of our bed and she did a great job in her crib, even when we put her in crib in a closet in a shared hotel room. Maddie was a little maddening, but apparently that is what happens when you're four (right? parents? please tell me they are all a little/lot crazy?).
Then we came home, on a 7am plane, which was a miracle unto itself that all four of us managed to get up at the crack of dawn and get ourselves across Maryland and home in one piece. We came home to devastating news in the neighborhood and spent the rest of the week trying to be as helpful as possible and doing a lot of praying and hugging the ones we love.
Then Maddie got a stomach bug for the weekend, which was fine because it gave us all a chance to relax and chill out and recover. Then I turned 34 at Fenway Park with the love of my life sitting next to me in the pouring rain and things could not have been more perfect.
Then I got the bug. Then Matt. Then our nanny and then it was like the g'damn Oregon trail where everyone gets dysentery and the ox goes feet up because HOLY MOLY I cannot believe how fast that puppy spread. The good news is that I was already planning a post-marathon no sugar/no alcohol cleanse but the bad news is I expected to at least be able to drink water. UGH.
But we recovered. Well, now my AIL has it but I blame the fact that the entire city seems to have it, even if Maddie may or may not be patient zero.
After we could all eat again (thank GOD) it was Mother's Day, which I spent relaxing and eating homemade meals from my AIL and hubs and being very thankful to get to be a mama to these two little ladies.
And now here we are.
Feeling better, planning our summer (bucket list post to come) and getting ready for Matt's graduation this weekend (yay, Matt!).
Phew. Ok, glad we could spend this time catching up.
Ready for a photo binge?
Start line dance party. |
Halfway! |
Heartbreak Hill. |
Vacation means popcorn and the Disney Channel in the big bed. |
Heart eye emoji at Dada. |
My peas in a pod at the zoo in DC. |
Maddie and her new aviating family. |
Straight touristing. |
Annie liked DC, especially the lunch part. |
All the museums! |
Still not entirely sure who lives there but she liked his lawn. |
Mama's day love. |
Park time before the Mother's Day deluge. |
My favorite flower bouquet. |