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Love, love, love

I love my husband. I know that most wives love their husbands (at least I hope they do) but seriously, I L-O-V-E that man of mine. We had such a lovely, relaxed, spontaneous and full weekend together, and I just needed to say that I love him oh so very much. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world when I am around him...or thinking of him...or sound asleep dreaming of our future together.

Friday I got out of work early (just because, thanks work!) and went home to relax and clean the house a little and make some curried rice with shrimp for dinner. We finally watched The Fighter (which I loved) and we snuggled on the couch and went to bed early and everything was just how I love it. In bed with Matty on one side and Louis on the other, both snoring away. It's like an ocean sound machine for me.
On Saturday Matty went running (one week until race day!) and I took my Little (H) on an Easter Egg Hunt at the Parker Hill Library. H and I also played on this great playground between the library and the Mission Church. We swung and chatted and enjoyed the sunshine and talked about friends and candy and all those other things we girls like to chat about. It was great. She is really an awesome addition to my life and I feel like a better person just for knowing her and getting to learn about her life and thoughts and dreams. She is a funny, intuitive and thoughtful little lady, and I am lucky to know her.

After I dropped H off at her dance class I went home to Matty who was watching our beloved Red Sox try to climb out of their early-season slump. We decided, however, not to waste the sunshine and took a walk to browse through EMS and City Sports, where I picked up some awesome running tights off the clearance rack. Then we met Amy for some fries and beer pretzels at Deep Ellum before she had to go to a bachelorette party (we got to see her that afternoon and then she stayed over, so that was an awesome plus for the weekend!). Since we had the whole day left to ourselves we decided to go down to Copley and pick up my Tiffany jewelry that we took in for cleaning and then take a stroll down Newbury Street. Being the spoiled lady that I am, Matty bought me this pair of shoes that I had been eying from Aldo, even though I just stopped to try them on (I swear!). I can't wait to wear them with skirts and dresses in the summer! Then we took my new shoes down to Best Buy (well, I only wore them most of the way, my dogs were kind of barking and I wanted to walk faster) to check out the cameras, which is going to be our next big purchase with our tax return. We think we know which one we are going to get, and I am excited to get it and play with it and start taking more pictures! Then we continued my spoil fest with a trip to Lush (I am obsessed with their face products!) and a new book from the closing Borders (70% off books!) before heading back to Allston. Since we were pooped from our day of hanging out, we decided to use our Groupon to Soul Fire and load up on BBQ. Again I fell asleep cuddling with Matty and Louis, though this time it was while trying to watch Inception with a tummy full of pulled pork.

After getting to spend some time over coffee with Amy on Sunday morning we went to Mass, ran some errands and then went to La Paloma with the Beakey family. La Paloma is hands down one of my favorite Family Style Mexican Food places on the East Coast, and the fact that it is in Quincy always makes it a great way to hang out with the Beakeys. After we loaded up on enchiladas and tacos we decided to head to Castle Island to walk around and enjoy the townies and doggies. We literally saw 7 bulldogs, and at one point there were two meeting each other and sniffing noses! It was like heaven for me, plus the soft serve cone from Sullivan's - pure bliss I tell you!! I want an English bulldog so bad, but Matty is concerned about the vet costs, since they are known to be extremely high maintenance and expensive little buggers. If I ever come into a large sum of money that will be the first thing I buy, sorry Matty, I know you want a sports car, but the bulldog comes first!
We wrapped up the weekend with a trip to Target, my Grandma's mac and cheese recipe for dinner and as much of the Red Sox game as we could get in before the zzzzzs took over (which came a lot earlier for me than for Matty). It was a lovely weekend of just living our life, which is a lovely life to live.

I feel so lucky to have the opportunity to spend so much time with Matty; this was not the case when we first met, when I was gone for work from 6am-5pm and Matty was working a rotating shift from 2pm-2am, so I know what it is like to go days and days without hanging out. I don't think that I take it for granted, and I hope I never do, because getting unlimited hang out time with my hubby is such a blessing (well, when we aren't working or running or volunteering, though we do some of those last things together sometimes). I am also really happy that I married my best friend because we seriously just have so much fun together; we crack each other up, have inside jokes and codes and can just enjoy simply walking hand in hand around the city watching the scene go by. And a hot, straight man that will go shoe shopping with you, and pick out a great pair of heels? Yep, I am the luckiest lady I know.
Oh, and did I mention the flowers that I came home to Saturday? That's them up there. He picked them up on his run, just because.
Swooooon. I love, love, love that husband of mine.

T minus one week until he runs the Boston Marathon! Everyone please say a little prayer/mantra/song of encouragement for him!



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