I haven't written one of these posts since I was stuck at work on Marathon Monday, lamenting not getting to be out there with everyone cheering on the runners. Today I am so thankful for being at work because it kept me and my family from being in the bleachers at the finish line when the bombs went off and my city was forced to show the world just how strong and resilient we are. That day will always be heavy in my heart. Oh these sweet little ponytails; they slay me! Watching Hockey! Like every Bostonian I cannot help but be glued to the playoffs each night they are on, or at least reading my book in the living room while watching the game/my husband's crazy silent cheer or fit depending on how the game is going. Having a sleeping toddler in the house really changes how you get to react to the tv and Matty has seemed to perfect the silent freak out for whatever way a game is going. It's really quite impressive. Go Bruins! Listening To Maddie is in this awesome...