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Recapping 2019

How are we already at the end of the year? This year has been so good - miles travelled, miles run, kiddos growing, goals met, getting to do it all with the very best husband and friends and dog while working in the best job. Here is a little recap with just a sliver of it all!

Geaux Saints! Repping in NOLA over a po' boy.

January: Rang in 2019 with champagne, friends and leggings. Watched my favorite dude crush my favorite marathon and then spent an amazing night in my favorite city of New Orleans watching the Saints, then the Pats, and somehow managed to make our 5am flight. 

11 years and I could not love him more.

February: Celebrated 11 years since the most handsome, wonderful human being in the world asked to buy me a beer over a super fancy dinner. Watched the Pats win yet anooooother Superbowl with my favorite cheer squad. Survived winter in Boston, again. 

Parade squad! Mama had car bombs for brekkie!

March: Reached my goal of doing a half marathon in under 2 hours (1:57:55!), despite 5 loops and a crazy amount of snow towards the end. Celebrated my favorite reason to get drunk on a Sunday morning with a whole crew of friends (yeah, Parade Day!). And at the end of the month, my favorite little tornado turned 4!

When you're trying to PR but the kids need a high five from Mama.

April: Watched a bunch of people I love cross over the finish line in Boston then flew out the next day for a California vacation, just to come back and go run my own marathon in New Jersey. I hit another PR and got to watch my running buddy celebrate a BQ over skee ball on the boardwalk.

My dude (who won best dressed at this Derby party.)

May: I turned 37, Matt turned a little older and I got to have another Mother's Day with the best little humans who put that holiday on my calendar. Got the opportunity to get back into nonprofit for an organization that I admire, believe in and am so happy to get to work for in a role that is always evolving (just like me!).

Ice cream, marine inspired gear and tan lines.

June: Spent Memorial Day with our favorite travel buddies family down the Cape, which was the best kick off to summer, with Maddie making her two-wheeled, no training wheels debut. Got a birthday present night at the Red Sox and wrapped up first grade and the last year of one kiddo in school.

Day date on the bikes - just us and the Rail Trail.

July: Did all the summer things: Cape Cod for the 4th, White Mountains hiking, Storyland, summer camps, late nights outside with friends and as many beach days as possible. In the midst of all the good stuff I was also able to identify that I was not alright and needed a little help re-managing my anxiety. I found a new therapist, a psychiatrist who did the slightest med adjustment and worked to get myself back on track and able to enjoy the good stuff to the fullest again.

So glad this lady let me into her life and epic 40th in Miami!

August: Spent an epic and *didn't even know I needed it so badly* girls weekend in Miami. Came home and squeezed every last sunshiney drop out of summer before both my little ladies both went off to school together for the first time. Had all the empty nester feelings with Melvin while we all found our new routine.

At the Berlin Wall, snap by Maddie.

September: Just in time for a routine to be established, we yanked the girls out of school and took our first international family trip to Germany to watch Matt and a bunch of other Dot Rats smash the Berlin Marathon. Had the most amazing trip, saw the most amazing things, ate the most amazing food and realized that our kiddos are absolutely the amazing travellers we have been priming them to be.

Hiking, no kids, no worries except what taco to get for lunch.

October: Took the quickest parents only trip to California to see my cousin get married and had the best time being kids free and spending time with my family, hiking and eating real Mexican food. Did another epic O'Shea Halloween and spent some time enjoying all the fall things.

Sunsets and crazy kids are all we need (and vodka).

November: Maddie and I took our annual trip to NYC with her dance school and we had the very best time doing all the things before she turned around and became an 8 year old. Spent Thanksgiving down the Cape doing all the relaxing things, watching sunsets on the beach and sneaking away for a date night in the quiet of the off-season.

Merry, Merry y'all.

December: Made it through (and even enjoyed) the whirlwind of Santa sightings, parties, brunches, choir performances, ice skating, and CHRISTMAS. Gramma came and spent the week with us and our traditions and now here we are! The last day of the year, where we will gather with our best buds, in leggings and silly hats, with lots of food and drink and love and say goodbye to what was and hello to what is to come.

Happy New Year's, y'all. May it be kind, joyous and peaceful. Xo.


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