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A blogger I follow started doing these little check ins, and I think it is a fun way to get some blog inspiration and share what's going on in the fabulous life of Stefanie!
Feel free to play along, and post your blog in the comments so I can see yours!

Loving: Making it to yoga twice a week. In a perfect world I would go much more, but I am committed to my Tuesday night class with the bestie and my Saturday morning class at the Y with the old people and my teacher that looks like the Old Spice guy. I first tried yoga with my friend Daley in Reno when we were in high school and always did it on and off until I moved to Boston and attempted to make it a regular part of my life. It was incredibly helpful when I was working in the prison; I would sit in an hour of traffic to get back to Boston and just let everything from the day melt away in those classes. I was a sex offender therapist at the time and spent hours upon hours listening to horrible things that most people go their whole lives without ever knowing can happen. Yoga was my escape and a way to balance that part of my life with the twenty something, fun loving, dance party attending, falling in love life. Since then it has been a great way for me to work with my anxiety, build strength, relieve stress and get to trust myself and the things that my body is capable of. Just last week I had my leg around my head while laying down! I ordered a new mat from The Clymb today and I am so excited to roll it out in class as soon as it gets here!

Reading: The Likeness by Tana French. It's the second of what has now become a four book series that my sister-in-law gave me (having a librarian for a sister-in-law makes for awesome book recommendations, fyi). I only have a couple of chapters left, which I am hoping to get through on my train rides/during any nap Madeleine takes this afternoon before/after her pediatrician appointment. This one is a murder mystery with a crazy twist that takes place in modern Ireland. I appreciate when an author can make you feel many emotions about a main character, and so far I have felt anger, pity and absolute sadness for this one. Totally recommend them!

Watching: Thank goodness for DVR or I would literally just watch bad action films that the husband seems to find not matter what day or time; the joy of having 300 channels? Once the wee one goes down we usually relax with our vodka tonics and try to watch "our programs". Yep, we are like Florida retirees after 8pm! Breaking Bad has been awesome this season which is great because True Blood, in my opinion, has kind of jumped the shark and become a little crazy to try and follow along with. I really want to watch Girls and Newsroom, which I have heard great things about and I am eagerly waiting for all the good Fall shows to come back (Boardwalk Empire, Dexter, New Girl).

Thinking about: Trying to live more in the moment and not get caught up with the uncertainty of what is to come. I have a lot to enjoy this very second: a career I love (and can blog at my desk!), a beautiful and thriving baby girl, a husband who remains my best friend and now is this wonderful father, friends who I absolutely adore and a healthy body that allows me to run around after my crawling little babe. I have stresses, as we all do: money concerns, deadlines, to-do lists, but I want to stop letting my mind wander to those things and instead focus on what is right in front of me. Maybe now that I have put it down and made myself accountable I can really work on it!

Anticipating: Fall! I do love summer and all its perks: the beach, grilling in the backyard, flip flops and early release Fridays at work but I am really looking forward to the fall. Crunchy leaves, cool morning runs, Oktoberfest beers, scarves and sweaters! I can't wait to put Madeleine in her little owl sweater that her nanny knit her and go for a walk under changing leaves!

Wishing: There were more hours in the day. I have no less than four months worth of magazines I subscribe to sitting in my ottoman in the living room, recipes to sort through and try out, blogs to write...I could go on and on. Even though I (try to) get up at 5am and (try to) stay up until 10pm there just aren't enough hours, especially for squeezing those sweet baby cheeks!

Making me happy: The free Keurig at work; it really makes the lack of enough hours a lot easier to manage, especially when the lack of sleep kicks in.

What about you???


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