I know I posted one like this already, but I just can't handle the cute! Oh those rosebud lips! |
I have picked up The Red Tent (finally!) and am really enjoying it; it makes me want to hug all the midwives I know and be all earthy mama with them. I am also reading the ever-so-trashy Lipstick Jungle (same author as Sex and the City) and am shaking my fist that the show was cancelled so quickly. They should have put it on HBO like Sex and the City and let it be as trashy as the book. Next up, Lean In, which is sitting on my nightstand ready for me to jump in. I have heard some pretty mixed reviews but since I have the pro-career woman/mom/have-it-all stance I think that it should be a good read for me. I will let you know!
Eating: I am trying to eat as "clean" as possible this week leading up to the Hyannis Half Marathon so I am avoiding fried foods, processed foods and trying to keep sugar and alcohol to a minimum (though someone left the new cookie dough Oreos out at the office and I may have helped myself more than once). What I put into my body has such a major effect on how I feel when I run (duh, I know) and I am trying to be really good to myself so I can have a good race on Sunday. I made a yummy red curry tofu dish Monday night and on making this Ginger Lime Shrimp Quinoa dish for dinner tonight. I have been really good about planning out a well rounded weekly menu every weekend, making some things ahead of time and enjoying some awesome weeknight meals (and leftover lunches) which is definitely helping me eat a lot better.
Thinking about: A new goal. I don't have one yet, but I love working on new goals and I am feeling a little stuck an uninspired lately. I mean, I am training for a marathon and we are working on getting our finances together for a house, but I have been doing those for a while now and I am itching for something new to motivate me. I talked about taking swimming lessons or a knitting class or getting yoga certified; I don't know what it is going to be, only that I need a little something to keep me excited through these terribly cold and dreary winter days.
Listening: I made a pretty epic playlist to get me through my treadmill runs in the morning, and I must say that Converge, Dystopia and 400 Blows are doing it for me. I think I need a new playlist for my race on Sunday, perhaps some metal, some hip hop and some of those secret cheesy songs that get me pumped (ie. Shipping up to Boston - I just can't help it!).
Watching: I introduced Maddie to The Little Mermaid this weekend and now both that and Finding Nemo are on constant loops in our house, which suits me just fine since I love both of them. I also caught a documentary that was on 48 Hours the other night about marching bands in New Orleans; it was super interesting and made my itch to get back down there soon even itchier.
Loving: Evenings at home with my family, especially since Maddie has been sleeping well and letting Matty and I have some serious quality time together that doesn't include watching tv with the closed captioning on while she yells from her room. I feel so lucky to have such a rad husband who I truly enjoy spending time with and going through this journey of life together next to. I have noticed a whole lot of relationship drama playing out in my Facebook feed lately and it makes me extra grateful to have such a solid, strong marriage and to not have to deal with the craziness of young relationships.
Thanks Danielle for the reminder that I haven't posted one of these in a while!