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Farewell to (tanned) Arms

Yesterday was September 1st, and even though we are no longer having cocktail hour on Tuesdays (more on that later) I asked Matt to pop the bottle of Shipyard Smashed Pumpkin so we could welcome in the new month and the inevitable and terribly sad truth that summer is on the way out. It is not, however, completely gone and so I will not say my official goodbye until I have spent the entire weekend on the beach, which will be my third weekend in a row because I never say no to a Cape Cod weekend invite.

The end of summer hasn't felt this tangible since I was in grad school, with two of the four O'Sheas going back to school...or one going for her very first time and one already having started this week. You read that right, folks, our sweet baby girl is starting Pre-K on the 14th and we are all as excited as can be. I spent this morning getting her uniforms organized and am on day two of attempting to follow our new family schedule with hopes that two weeks is enough practice before we go live and actually have to get this kiddo to school every day.

We have to keep a crazy specific schedule in order to complete everything we all need to do in a day (running, work, drop off, pick up, dinner, family time, church, swim lessons, date nights, friend hang outs, play dates) so we keep our day by day spreadsheet hung up on the fridge for all to see and follow, which has worked really well for us. Just this week we decided to try and really stick to it, which includes waking Maddie up at 6:00 to have her ready to walk to school with one of us at 7:00. We were both worried about how well this would go over with our little sleepyhead but it turns out that I AM THE WEAK LINK. Yep, Maddie totally gets it from me because I have yet to be able to drag my ass out of bed at 5:00 on the dot but, in my defense, it has been pretty close and I have gotten out the door to run both scheduled days despite wanting nothing more than to keep hitting snooze.

The struggle is real, y'all.

So hopefully we make it through this test period and are good to go in a couple of weeks, but until then I'm going to soak in the last drops of summer and this time in our lives. This is definitely a season in life we will be looking back on and patting ourselves on the back for, but I am trying to be as present in the moments as I can, even if they are a little exhausting. Two littles, two careers and now two students is no joke but it'll be over before we know it and I don't want to wish the good times away. I am soaking in this cuddly baby and enjoying this hilarious little preschooler just as I am relishing these last few days before the air gets crisp and the leaves get crunchy. 

Until then, one more weekend on the Cape (and don't judge me for bringing the fall Vogue to the beach).

Hammock lyfe.

Maddie requested the matching and it was too cute not to take a hundred pictures. 
Maddie helping Dada build a sand stegosaurus. 
These two are going to be besties, methinks. 
Annie has perfected the art of the beach nap. 
Maddie ran her first race this summer too!
She also fed a baby goat.
We sure will miss you, summer evenings on the porch!


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