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Our First Summer Vacation

The best part of Maddie starting preschool last fall is definitely the love that she now has for school, added to her already instilled love to learn and socialize that seems to have developed immediately out of the womb but the second best part? Summer vacay, y'all!

No dragging the kid out of bed at 6:00! No more rushing to get everyone dressed, fed, teeth brushed, packed, and out the door at exactly 7:15. Not that the grown ups get to stop doing that but to take away the stress of doing it for the kiddo for a few months...hell to the yes.
When you have a baby up at 4:55, one grown up running,  and one 4 year old who literally has to be dragged out of bed in the mornings, things can be, well chaotic. Couple that with my need to make sure beds are made and toys are picked up (I cannot leave a messy house, it will haunt me all day), I get in about 3 miles of walking around the house before I actually walk to the train for the day.

But not after next  week, suckers! Sorry, I am a little excited. 

I am definitely going to miss our walks to school and hearing all about the fun Maddie has all day over the dinner table, but it will be back in the fall and I am sure she will have some great stories from the camps she is attending and the fun she gets to have with her nanny and sister.

So how does one fill the summer without overdoing it? My parenting philosophy is that kids should not be bored, but also that their calendars should give them plenty of time to be a kid - run around outside, color on the porch, watch a movie - the good stuff about being little and not having a million commitments. So, we have a little variety for them over the next few months.
Maddie had her last dance class Saturday and has her recital this weekend and then her ballet shoes are up on the shelf until fall, but she started track through YES this week and is already loving it (and I am loving the social time with our parent friends and getting to go for an extra run). It's a little much with her still being in school because we are not getting home until about 15 minutes after her usual bedtime, but I think she (we) can hang for a couple weeks.

After school ends Maddie will get a week at home with her nanny and sister to relax and decompress from school and then she has a week long acting camp (gah, going to be so cute)! Then it is another week off to enjoy the 4th of July and prepare for two weeks of the Vacation Bible School that she attended last year. I am really excited for this because that is how we got used to the idea of sending her to school and she had such a blast, and this year there will be lots of kids and grown ups she knows. Also, the amount of tired she is after those days is definitely going to go well with my plans to sit outside after kiddo bedtimes with a cocktail and my mister.

Then we are off to Maine for a week of family vacationing at the end of July (really, really cannot wait for this)!!! So that brings us to August, which is currently a blank slate but I am hoping to put in a couple of weeks of art camp for my budding painter. I also JUST booked a week at a resort in Southern California which means Gramma, LegoLand and Disneyland mid-August! I can't even process how happy that makes me right now.

And how about that sweet chubby baby? I do have a little bit of guilt for not getting her into any structured activities yet, but then I remember that Maddie was pushing 2 before we put her in her first music class and her nanny does an extraordinary job of taking her to every fun and educational baby event in the city during the week, so she is definitely not missing out there. I think when the fall rolls around it will be a perfect time to start seeing what kind of fun we can have with her, but I really don't want to have any weekend commitments over the summer because BEACH.

So that is their summer. Oh, and what about me? I am keeping up my 4 day a week running schedule and hoping to add back a night of yoga and am looking for a bike trailer so we can take some family rides and (despite the massive snake I saw last time) I want to get back into the Blue Hills for some hiking on the cooler days. Maybe looking at a couple of date nights with my dude that involve patios, oysters and drinks and definitely going to make that happen at home as much as we can. Also BEACH. Did I mention how much I am looking forward to the beach?

Happy last couple of weeks of school (and some pics from Maddie's first track night)!


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